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The Malvern Hills looking North, it's a sunny day and the sky is blue and there are lots of clouds.
Transformative workshops, retreats and 1:1 sessions to support and  deepen your relationships with yourself, others and nature.
Gaia's Weave is a collaboration between Ruth Radburn and John Leah which supports the growth of positive relationships. In our work with groups, couples and individuals, we cultivate life force and weave the magic of nature, connection and love.
Ruth Radburn
I have over 30 years of working with people; first as a community worker (specialising in community art projects) and then as a homoeopath and ecotherapist. Gaia's Weave brings together a diverse range of skills and experience to support and facilitate people in exploring the many facets of their relationships with themselves, others and nature, through a series of workshops, retreats and 1:1 sessions.
My qualifications include:
BA (Hons) English Literature and Philosophy 
4 year diploma in Homoeopathy Diploma in Ecotherapy (20 years as a practitioner).
Ruth Radburn sitting in the grass talking to an unseen viewer. She is wearing a silk jacket with earthy tones, and is wearing sunglasses. It's a sunny day.
John Leah
Working as a Life Force Practitioner brings together my passions, training and experience from the last 40 years, which includes working as an Osteopath, and a Senior Lecturer in several Universities (including the Centre for Alternative Technology).
An openness to learning and discovery has been combined in formal education through a range of qualifications (including an MSc in Exercise and Health Science, an MA in Environment, Culture and Society and a PhD exploring ‘The Wellbeing Benefits of Contact with Nature’) with many years of meditation and nature connection experience.
John Leah sitting in the grass, smiling and looking slightly off camera. He's wearing a red shirt with symbols on it.
Two hands hugging an Oak tree trunk and making a heart shape.
The focus of the Way of the Heart sessions and workshops is on growing together through identifying, nourishing and developing the positive in our relationships. Growing together via the way of the heart, starts with acknowledging, appreciating, celebrating and rejoicing in each other’s qualities. Individually and in relationship we all have the potential to grow into ever increasing richness of experience and expression. We aim to help you build a more positive world full of creative resources to draw on.
A hand tenderly caressing the trunk of an Oak tree.
Nature Connection Workshops with
Ruth and John
These workshops use imaginative, poetic, embodied and experiential approaches to explore the forces of growth and change at work through the seasons. One aspect of what we do at Gaia’s Weave is to explore and work with The Wheel of the Year (drawing from the Pagan, Celtic and Druidic understandings of this profound vision of the cycle of the seasons). The Wheel offers a rich tapestry of opportunities to grow with and through the seasonal changes in harmony with the natural world and each other.
Lifeforce Bodywork
1:1 sessions with John

Lifeforce Sessions aim to meet your current needs for more ease in your relationship to your body, mind and spirit. Using massage; cranial-sacral therapy; breathing; embodied meditations or ecotherapy as appropriate working in harmony with seasonal changes. Nature Connection Activities help to explore deeper connections with the natural world and ways to live in greater harmony with nature. We will begin with an initial review of your needs and aspirations in relation to finding more comfort, ease and functional flow in your body and life.

A hand holding a sprig of Hawthorn flowers
Weaving The Magic
1:1 sessions with Ruth

 Weaving the Magic sessions are for people wanting to explore deeper connection and relationship with the fullness of life, however that might unfold.

Each session will be individually tailored to you and the areas of life you are wishing to explore more deeply. Sessions draw from a range of techniques including homoeopathy, energetic work, archetypes, dreams and nature connection, designed around your strengths and challenges. The focus is to support you in developing a creative path into deeper connection with yourself, to fully occupy your own life.

Two hands wrapped around an Oak tree, giving it a hug.
C.P, Beltane
"I learnt so much about the original meaning and intimate relationship with nature with regard to the coming of Spring and the ‘solar’ half of the year. As part of this we learnt about Hawthorn and its role in fertility and blessings of the coming summer’
Summer Solstice.png
D.R, Imbolc
"My daughter and I came to celebrate Imbolc in a day led by Ruth and John and what a day it was. A little oasis of calm, a day shared with a lovely group of people. Although the day felt very calm and relaxed it was so informative and stayed with me for weeks after and in some ways changed me forever. The flow of the day was perfect the food was lovely and the people we met were fab. Food for the soul indeed, would definitely do it again. Highly, highly recommend’ 
Winter Solstice.png
"After I had my hip surgery I needed a physical therapy but I was very nervous especially after everything I'd been through. John's approach was gentle and worked at a pace appropriate for my body and mind. He also helped me to explore other forms of exercise and hobbies that were kinder and beneficial to my body. I highly recommend his approach to physical therapy and well-being
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