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The focus of the Way of the Heart sessions and workshops is on growing together through identifying, nourishing and developing the positive in our relationships.

Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live (Rumi)

The Richness of Being

This aspect of growing together via the way of the heart, starts with acknowledging, appreciating, celebrating and rejoicing in each other’s qualities. It can be easy to overlook and take for granted the positive and creative qualities at the heart of a loving relationship, so it is good to take time to be reminded of all that is already wonderful. This is also a fantastic foundation for exploring what you both would like to grow together.


There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path (Lao Tsu)

Vision, Intention and Presence

Individually and in relationship we all have the potential to grow into ever increasing richness of experience and expression. This aspect of the way of the heart explores what this might mean for you both.

Communication and Expression

How we share the different aspects of ourselves is fundamental to being in relationship at its fullest and most enjoyable. In this aspect of the way of the heart we explore creative approaches to sharing, expressing, nourishing and celebrating all that we are and can be.

Sensuous World

The quality of a shared world is all the richer and more enjoyable when our enjoyment of the sensuous possibilities of the world is fully alive and enjoyed together. Whether through the arts, touch, love making, nature connection, gifts of experience, pleasure or appreciation, there is a rich palette of possibilities to explore.

Play and Celebration

For a variety of reasons, as adults, we tend to ‘play’ less. This can be understandable when the challenges of life demand a sense of gravitas and responsibility to meet them. But play as adults has great value too, and when there is time to enjoy it, it is good to embrace it. Play keeps alive spontaneity, a sense of adventure, brings light and fun and helps counter the eroding effects of meeting constant demands or the ruts and drudgery of mundane tasks. When do you play at the moment, how might you find new ways to play together?


Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is (Rumi)

Meeting Challenges Creatively

Inevitably in life there are difficult challenges to meet and find a way through. Some of these are external to the relationship but still take their toll on it. Some of these are within the dynamic of the relationship and counselling can be the best way forward. Through the Way of the Heart, we aim to help you build a more positive world, full of creative resources to draw on for meeting challenges, for recovering from periods of difficulty, and for ensuring the relationship doesn’t ‘get defined’ by the challenges.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage (Lao Tsu)

Location: The majority of our sessions are based in Malvern on a non-residential basis. We are happy to discuss other locations (which may include coming to you) with sufficient notice.

What to expect: Given the immersive nature of the sessions a minimum of three hours is required, and preferably exploring things for a whole day. The range of activities within the Way of the Heart is a complete process, however it is possible to focus on specific aspects of how you want to grow together.

We can discuss your needs in an initial free phone / online conversation, and new will tailor make a programme for you both. Any further questions please contacts us to discuss further.


Costs of Sessions: At our Malvern base £300 for a 3 hour session; £600 for a whole day (10.00 – 16.00 lunch provided). At other locations additional costs apply and may vary.


Do I need some previous knowledge or experience: No – our preliminary discussion with you both (by phone or online) will provide our starting point.

What is provided: Just bring yourselves and an open mind, we will fully facilitate the session and provide a healthy lunch (in accordance with your dietary requirements / preferences).


Is accommodation provided: Our sessions are non-residential, if you are travelling to Malvern you may need to find suitable accommodation locally. Other arrangements will be discussed if we are using an alternative location.

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